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News from our Green Health Network

Check our bulletin board regularly to keep up to date with what’s happening in our Green Health Network

Green Health and Tonic Arts Joint Networking Event

In his recent blog, Ian Mackenzie, NHS Lothian Charity, Green Health Programme Manager, shares his reflections and takeaways from our recent Tonic Arts and Green Health Network Event: Read Ian’s blog

Find out what’s been happening across our Green Health programme as well as some useful links and resources.

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Past Networking Events

Click on the summaries below to get a feel for some of the things we discuss at our networking events or watch some of our recorded sessions.

Working together to improve health and wellbeing in NHS Lothian

14 May 2024
Face to Face joint network event.

We were delighted to welcome members of our Green Health and Tonic Arts networks to our combined Network event, looking at how we use arts and greenspace to improve wellbeing in hospitals and health care settings across Lothian.

Attendees had the opportunity to take part in a range of workshops, working with other network members to share experiences and develop learning.

Green Health and Tonic Arts Joint Networking Event

Connecting and Reconnecting

6 September 2023
Online Event

FreeAgent volunteers warming up in the FACE Garden

Project Case Studies and Referrals

14 November 2023
Online Event

Greenspaces for Staff Wellbeing

6 March 2024
Online Event

two women sat talking outside

Lothian Green Social Prescribing Forum

Our first Lothian Green Social Prescribing Forum created space to connect and share our work and allowed us to have good conversations about what is working and what we can do better.

Green Health Prescribing

Green Health Network – Recorded Sessions

Staff at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh staff using a greenspace

Creating Green Breathing Spaces

In this short recording, Inga Cosway from the Work Well team, gives us some insight into the work being undertaken to develop the “New Royal Mile” at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and also introduces the new ‘Put Your Emotional PPE On’ campaign.
Watch here

Using the NHS Estate for Therapeutic Activities

In this short recording, Linda Walker, Head Occupational Therapist for Adult, Forensic and Older People’s Health Services shares her experience of working from the Royal Edinburgh Hospital to deliver therapeutic activities on NHS grounds.
Watch here
Cyrenians at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital

The Transitional Power of Gardens

In this short recording, Chris Jones, Patient Engagement Coordinator with Cyrenians, working at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital and Astley Ainslie Hospital, talks about work undertaken to develop meaningful and active participation in different areas of hospital grounds.
Watch here

Making Space for Nature

In this short recording, Jim Scott, Grounds Supervisor at the Western General Hospital, talks about what goes on behind the scenes.
Watch here

Join our network

If you feel passionately about the benefits of nature and their potential in addressing health inequalities, join our Green Health Network. All you need are a few good ideas, a little time to spare and and a willingness to be involved with promoting and supporting green health activities across Lothian.