Grounds for Health

Did you know there is more than 81 hectares of green spaces, gardens and woodlands on the NHS Lothian estate?

What is Grounds for Health?

Grounds for Health is about building networks and connections in order to support more people to access the greenspaces on ur NHS Lothian estate in order to improve health and wellbeing. Our NHS Grounds for Health projects work with patients, staff and partner organisations to make the most of these greenspaces. These spaces can and should be used to improve health and wellbeing and help us fight climate change. Our work makes the grounds and gardens of healthcare sites more welcoming and easier to use, which is beneficial for both people and wildlife.

Did you know there is more than 81 hectares of green spaces, gardens and woodlands on the NHS Lothian estate? This greenspace is now a key part of the NHS response to the climate emergency, and to meeting Scotland’s biodiversity commitments. Greenspace and biodiversity are now a key focus area as part of the NHS Lothian Sustainable Development Framework and Action Plan.

We work with a wide range of partners to enhance the NHS Lothian estate and deliver activities that engage patients, staff and communities. Here are some examples of our live projects and case studies.

Grounds for Health Case Studies

Green Social Prescribing workshop

Nature Heals

Nature heals. It’s a simple statement, a simple message, but sometimes the simple things are the most powerful. I’m a […]

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RIE Panda Courtyard bunting

Grateful for greenery

At just 23-years-old, Ria O’Hanlan found herself in hospital fighting for her life. The occupational therapy student went from experiencing […]

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Nurturing our natural health service

In 2019, I joined NHS Lothian as part of NHS Lothian Charity. The Charity’s mission is to enhance the lives […]

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Grounds for Health Projects

Butterfly on a flower

NHS Lothian Biodiversity Action Plan

This plan will set a strong precedent for environmental responsibility within the healthcare sector, and will support NHS Lothian in achieving its ambitious goals for a healthier planet and healthier communities.
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People stood in the Access Place garden. Around the garden are planters with flowers and benches.

Access Place

Revitalisation work at Access Place has turned a neglected area into a greenspace and garden for both staff and service users.
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REH site map by Andy Archer

You place for greenspace, Royal Edinburgh Hospital

As part of a move to create a more inviting atmosphere for patients, staff and visitors at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital we’ve teamed up with a local artist, Andy Archer, to create a series of hand-drawn illustrative artworks highlighting the green spaces and charity partners connected to the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.
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Wildlife at the Western

Wildlife at the Western

Find out more about the different kinds of greenspaces that are available for patients, visitors and staff to use on the doorstep of our hospitals.
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Community Gardens at REH

Green Health Activity Pathway

This three year project led by the Cyrenians will establish a sustainable person-centred green health activity pathway at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.
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Green Social Prescribing workshop

Wild Ways Well, Livingston

Supporting people to access and experience the natural spaces, species and activities that are on their doorstep in order to live happier, healthier lives.
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Royal Infirmary Edinburghfrom the air

Biodiversity Audit

NHS Lothian is the first health board in Scotland to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the biodiversity of the green spaces in its estate, to help reduce the health board’s overall carbon footprint and to use its green spaces to improve the health and wellbeing of the communities it serves.
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Astley Ainslie Hospital, NHS Lothian

A Greenspace Management Plan for Astley Ainslie Hospit…

As well as providing a range of services for its patients, Astley Ainslie represents a considerable community asset and a significant place for nature.
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Did you know NHS Lothian is the first health board in Scotland to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the biodiversity of the green spaces in its estate?

Connect to our network to learn and share

If you feel passionately about the benefits of nature and their potential in addressing health inequalities, join our Green Health Network. All you need are a few good ideas, a little time to spare and a willingness to be involved with promoting and supporting green health activities across the Lothians.