Our Projects
We work with a wide range of partners to deliver projects that enhance the NHS Lothian estate and unlock its potential as a health asset.
Havens: Stories and Portraits from NHS Lothian
Join our amazing NHS Lothian staff on their journey to discover their hidden havens – those peaceful pockets within the busy healthcare environment where they find moments of quiet to recharge. From an indoor basement laundry to an outdoor rooftop terrace, the stories and portraits capture the essence of these havens and the impact they have on wellbeing.

Grounds for Health Projects

NHS Lothian Biodiversity Action Plan

Access Place

You place for greenspace, Royal Edinburgh Hospital

Wildlife at the Western

Green Health Activity Pathway

Wild Ways Well, Livingston

Biodiversity Audit

A Greenspace Management Plan for Astley Ainslie Hospit…
Green Health Prescribing Projects

Nature Prescriptions at the Western General Hospital

Wild Ways Well

Green Health Prescribing Report for Edinburgh and Loth…

Midlothian Green Health Prescribing

Become a partner
We often work with mental health services and areas that have long stay patients. In communities, we are focused on reducing health inequalities and work with organisations that share our intention to improve health for those most in need. We are always interested in hearing about new opportunities, so get in touch if you want to discuss how, together, we can support NHS Lothian patients and staff.