two women sat talking outside

St John’s Hospital

Find out more about the Green Health projects and activities that are taking place on site

St John’s Hospital is a modern teaching hospital that provides a comprehensive range of services, including a 24-hour Accident and Emergency Department. The woodlands and grassland on site form an important part of the green network in the new town of Livingston.

Fragments of well-established policy woodland, tree shelter belts and grassland give the hospital a green backdrop. The site is surrounded by parks and woodlands that are rich in wildlife and connected into an extensive network of off road walking and cycling routes.

Working together with staff on site, we support the delivery of Green Health solutions that help improve health and wellbeing and increase biodiversity on site.

Discover walking routes from the hospital with the Go Jauntly

Find new walking tours based on your location. Simple photo guides help you navigate while nifty tips point out things of interest. Sign up to walking challenges or enjoy green routes from A to B or circular walking routes. Take pictures, add details that other people may find useful and share with the growing community.

4 people walking along a path holding tea mugs

Get involved with activities on site

Two sets of hands looking at plants

Community Garden Session

Take part in weekly sessions exploring conservation work in Howden Walled Garden. The sessions are in partnership with The Conservation Volunteers, and available to support patients, staff and visitors connected to St John’s Hospital in Livingston.
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4 people walking along a path holding tea mugs

Gentle Wellbeing in Nature Walk

Join a nature walk around the grounds of St John’s Hospital with the Conservation Volunteers. This inclusive outdoor session is created to provide a serene and enjoyable experience, allowing everyone to connect with nature at their own pace.
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Paul Barclay running a session for our Wild Ways Well project

Wild Ways Well for NHS Lothian Staff

Weekly sessions with The Conservation Volunteers that support you to access and experience the natural spaces, species and activities that are around the hospital grounds.
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Belhaven Community Garden

Noticing Nature Group

Explore Ladywell, Howden, and the surrounding area with our Noticing Nature Group. Join us for a walk through the greenspaces to learn about the local trees, plants, and wildlife.
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Green Health Projects on Site

Paul Barclay smiling whilst holding up a pot of tea

This three-year project in partnership with The Conservation Volunteers (TCV), Ladywell Neighbourhood Network (LNN), The National Lottery Community Fund and NHS Lothian Charity is creating beneficial links between spending time amongst nature and people’s wellbeing.

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Coming soon. We are consulting with staff in the IPCU ward at St John’s on an enhancement of their patient courtyard. We’ll share more news on the project when we have it.

Green Health News from St John’s

Two TCV mugs with flasks and hot chocolate

Embracing Winter through our Wild Ways Well project wi…

Senior Project Officer with TCV, Paul Barclay shares his latest updates from our Wild Ways Well winter sessions.
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Green Social Prescribing workshop

Nature Heals

It’s a simple statement, a simple message, but sometimes the simple things are the most powerful. Paul Barclay from TCV supports our Green Health programme at St Johns. Read his blog about the healing power of nature
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Join our Green Health Network

Sign up and get involved in supporting the provision of therapeutic outdoor activities and enhancements of green spaces around St John’s Hospital.