Our Projects

We work with a wide range of partners to deliver projects that enhance the NHS Lothian estate and unlock its potential as a health asset.

Havens: Stories and Portraits from NHS Lothian

Join our amazing NHS Lothian staff on their journey to discover their hidden havens – those peaceful pockets within the busy healthcare environment where they find moments of quiet to recharge. From an indoor basement laundry to an outdoor rooftop terrace, the stories and portraits capture the essence of these havens and the impact they have on wellbeing.

Linda Lupton in her haven: the interesting and sometimes surprising places that NHS Lothian staff use as havens in their busy work lives.

Grounds for Health Projects

People stood in the Access Place garden. Around the garden are planters with flowers and benches.

Access Place

Revitalisation work at Access Place has turned a neglected area into a greenspace and garden for both staff and service users.
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REH site map by Andy Archer

You place for greenspace, Royal Edinburgh Hospital

As part of a move to create a more inviting atmosphere for patients, staff and visitors at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital we’ve teamed up with a local artist, Andy Archer, to create a series of hand-drawn illustrative artworks highlighting the green spaces and charity partners connected to the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.
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Wildlife at the Western

Wildlife at the Western

Find out more about the different kinds of greenspaces that are available for patients, visitors and staff to use on the doorstep of our hospitals.
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Community Gardens at REH

Green Health Activity Pathway

This three year project led by the Cyrenians will establish a sustainable person-centred green health activity pathway at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.
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Green Social Prescribing workshop

Wild Ways Well, Livingston

Supporting people to access and experience the natural spaces, species and activities that are on their doorstep in order to live happier, healthier lives.
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Royal Infirmary Edinburghfrom the air

Biodiversity Audit

NHS Lothian is the first health board in Scotland to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the biodiversity of the green spaces in its estate, to help reduce the health board’s overall carbon footprint and to use its green spaces to improve the health and wellbeing of the communities it serves.
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Astley Ainslie Hospital, NHS Lothian

A Greenspace Management Plan for Astley Ainslie Hospit…

As well as providing a range of services for its patients, Astley Ainslie represents a considerable community asset and a significant place for nature.
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Green Health Prescribing Projects

Nature Prescriptions at the Western General Hospital

Working in partnership with the RSPB to deliver Nature Prescriptions that support the health of people and nature at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh.
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Green Social Prescribing workshop

Wild Ways Well

Our three-year project in partnership with The Conservation Volunteers (TCV), Ladywell Neighbourhood Network (LNN) and The National Lottery Community Fund provides opportunities for people to live happier and healthier lives through experiencing the greenspaces in the local area and the natural world around them
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Green Social Prescribing workshop

Green Health Prescribing Report for Edinburgh and Loth…

Our Green Health Prescribing project was designed to explore green health prescribing in Lothian: raise its profile, understand barriers and enablers, share success stories and identify what needs to be in place to embed it across the health and care system.
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Midlothian Community Hospital Rehab Garden

Midlothian Green Health Prescribing

Our one-year Green Health Prescribing test of change project was initiated in Midlothian, aimed at looking at ways in which it can be embedded in local level health systems.
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Community Gardens at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital

Become a partner

We often work with mental health services and areas that have long stay patients. In communities, we are focused on reducing health inequalities and work with organisations that share our intention to improve health for those most in need. We are always interested in hearing about new opportunities, so get in touch if you want to discuss how, together, we can support NHS Lothian patients and staff.