Staff at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh staff using a greenspace

Green Health Network

Our Green Health Network has been set up to bring people together to make better use of the grounds and gardens on the NHS estate. It focuses on unlocking the potential of these greenspaces for improved wellbeing and environmental sustainability.

By creating a Lothian wide network of NHS staff and partners, our ambition is to facilitate and enable more green health practice which will help reduce demand on health and other services and make substantial contributions to staff wellbeing and patient recovery. In parallel we want to make the most of the trees and natural areas to help us tackle climate change.

We want to create opportunities for engagement at a range of commitment levels, so everyone can get involved at a level that suits them – be that receiving information, taking part in one off activities, sharing skills, taking part in meetings/workshops or leading on a green health project. We will do this by:

  • Sharing stories and exchange of knowledge across the Network via newsletters social media
  • Providing friendly, informal peer support to staff expressing an interest in green health via Network events
  • Creating and signposting resources to support your projects

Join our network

If you feel passionately about the benefits of nature and their potential in addressing health inequalities, join our Green Health Network. All you need are a few good ideas, a little time to spare and and a willingness to be involved with promoting and supporting green health activities across Lothian.

Keep up to date with what’s happening in our Green Health Network

Find out what’s happening in our Green Health Network and get a feel for some of the things that we discuss at our networking sessions.