Connecting and Reconnecting: Green Health Network Online Event

September 6, 2023 / Online

Community Planting
Community Planting

We were delighted to welcome our network members to the first in a series of networking events that we will be providing throughout the year.

Event summary

The first event was all about reconnecting and getting to know each other along with finding out what members are looking for from this network. The top three things that came out of the discussion were:

  1. Sharing good practice and sharing learning
  2. Information on what’s happening
  3. Exploring partnerships and collaboration

Upcoming dates

We will be running a series of events throughout the year to connect people and practice across NHS Lothian and beyond. We will be featuring some of the amazing projects that are already happening and hear about how people have collaborated to overcome some of the barriers.

  • Tuesday, 14 November 2023, 12 midday to 1pm
  • Wednesday, 6 March 2024, 12 midday to 1pm

Be the first to receive notifications of our upcoming events by joining our Green Health Network.

Why should I attend?

Our Green Health events are a great way to:

  • Share ideas and learning
  • Make connections with others
  • Contribute to professional development

Who is it for?

These online sessions are suitable for current Network members and any NHS Lothian staff or voluntary sector partners who feel passionately about the benefits of nature and their potential to improve health and tackle climate change.

If you feel passionately about the benefits of nature and its potential to improve health and tackle climate change, why not join our Green Health Network?

Get a feel for some of the things we discuss at our networking events by watching our short videos below: