Linda Lupton in her haven: the interesting and sometimes surprising places that NHS Lothian staff use as havens in their busy work lives.

Project: Havens: Stories and Portraits of NHS Lothian Staff

NHS Lothian Charity’s Green Health and Tonic Arts programmes, along with Stills Gallery, are proud to present “Havens: Stories and Portraits of NHS Lothian Staff.” This unique project explores the hidden sanctuaries where NHS Lothian staff find moments of peace amidst their demanding work.

Award-winning photographers, Craig Easton and Lottie Davies, spent a year capturing the stories of over 75 staff members across various roles and locations. Their residency involved not just portraits, but also photography and creative writing workshops, empowering staff to express themselves through art.

The culmination of this year-long journey is a powerful exhibition showcasing a selection of these portraits and stories.

The public exhibition at Stills: Centre for Photography will run from 28 June – 13 July 2024, then will travel to various NHS Lothian sites for patients, visitors and staff to enjoy.

These stories also have a permanent home on our NHS Lothian Charity website.

Explore NHS Lothian staff stories and portraits

Join our amazing NHS Lothian staff on their journey to discover their hidden havens – those peaceful pockets within the busy healthcare environment where they find moments of quiet to recharge.